Why Discovering Balance?
I never shy away from the fact that I too have suffered from a wide range of health concerns myself due to years of fad "yoyo dieting", obsessive eating habits, binge drinking alcohol from Thursday to Sunday and negative self talk.
I grew up in an environment where I was taught to ignore my feelings and I always found it hard to get the right support.
I have always been the "go to" person for support in all of my friends groups and feel blessed given people feel comfortable confiding in me, whether friends, family or strangers.
It was because of this, paired with the fact I did have a lack of emotional support growing up that helped me to realise I wanted to work in an industry where I could use these strengths to my advantage and help others just like myself.
I named my business Discovering Balance because only through finding middle grounds and sustainable lifestyle choices that could be implemented long term and NOT through my restrictive and yoyo dieting, alcoholism and other substance use did I finally feel ready to empower others to do the same.. because TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS NEVER A GOOD IDEA!
A typical appointment with Melissa will cover all body systems as well as diet and lifestyle to help understand each individuals health concerns.
Treatment may include dietary changes, lifestyle recommendations, specific nutritional supplements, herbal tinctures or herbal teas.
Functional pathology testing can also be carried out if needed at an additional cost, this may include
but is not limited to the following:
Thyroid hormone testing
Food intolerance testing
Parasite testing
Male and female hormone testing
Stress hormone profile
Neurotransmitter testing
Blood pathology
Stool analysis – digestive health & bacteria
Gut permeability testing
Mineral Analysis and Heavy metal testing
Blood lipids – cardiovascular health
Melissa is a qualified Nutritionist and Naturopath and is currently furthering her journey to help others in need by studying to become a counsellor at The Australian Institute of
Professional Counsellors. Melissa is currently registered with Complimentary Medicine Association and Australian Counselling Association.
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